Hi, welcome to Kustom Bee . This is our 698th Setup. This setup is easily For any android device.
Launcher : Niagara Launcher
Wallpaper : Get it here
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Get Awesome Wallpapers on BeeWalls
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If you have got any glitch here just go to Instagram and search this setup ( you can search by it's numer) and comment down what is the issue 😊.
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Stay tuned 😁
Guys , hope you will follow us on Every platform !
What do you need to make a setup ?
- KWGT Pro
- Required Widgets app [ as linked in the top]
- Required Icon Pack [as linked in the top]
- Wallpaper [ Download from above link]
{ Please try to understand evey Wallpapers is not free ! If it's free for this Setup then you can download from the above link or if it's from a paid source link willl redirected you to the specific source}
- And ofcourse You need a customazable launcher [ I always use Nova Launcher , Niagara Launcher and I always suggest it ]
Hope you get some help .
Join our Telegram Group to discuss more : Group
otherwise mail us - Gmail address : help.kustombee@gmail.com